violet star
Welcome to the Violet Star!
Nowadays there are so many problems that affect our mind, that we often end up asking hours of sleep thinking about them e_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ we are worn out and without strength to face the most diverse and small day-to-day problems. And that's why it's so important to feel good, light and peaceful.
I'm a Radionic Table Therapist; Bach Flower Remedies and Reiki Therapist. I also have training in Pythagorean Numerology.
In the same way that these therapies and tools have supported me in my life, I want to share some of my knowledge with other people who also feel the need for their support.
My goal, as a therapist, is to help you achieve a full life and, for that, it is important to be in balance and harmony. Through Radionic Tables, Flower Remedies and Reiki I can help you with your energetic, mental and emotional balance. Helping him, in this way, in his healing process.
Through self-knowledge we are able to face life's differences with another perspective.
Degree in...
Quantum Radionic Table
Sodalite Quantum Radionic Table
Geobiological Quantum Radionic Table
Bach Floral Radionic Table
Cosmic Astrological Radionic Table
The Radionic Table is an energy rebalancing therapy, which enables the change in the vibrational field of the interactor (be it a person, an animal, an object or a residence).
It is a kind of map, where the therapist will work with a pendulum to "read" the client's energy. And, through the pendulum, the therapist will be « guided » during the session and will receive the information of which tools will be necessary to deal with the problem in question.
I use 4 Radionic Tables in my appointments:
The Sodalite Quantum Radionic Table - brings together several energy tools. The goal is to expand consciousness, calm emotions and balance energy fields, harmonizing and rebalancing the consultant's energy, which will lead to an improvement in the quality of life.
The Geobiological Quantum Radionic Table - has the main objective of analyzing and harmonizing the harmful energies of the environments that the consultant lives or frequents.
The Bach Floral Radionic Table - has the function of connecting Radiesthesia and Radionics with Bach Floral therapy in the same therapeutic tool. In it, we can access the person's energy field and identify which feeling is negatively influencing the consultant's life.
The Cosmic Astrological Radionic Table - brings together several energy tools, which aims to project cosmic vibrations, working with the energy of the stars, signs, cabal and cosmic rays. The Board also uses a set of various oracles, with the aim of helping the customer to see the possibilities and predictions that are before their eyes. All tools are intended to rebalance the assisted person's energy field, as well as help them understand their weaknesses and strengthen their strengths.
At the beginning of each session, I ask the pendulum how many tables the consultant is looking at at that moment and the pendulum will tell me how many I need to do and which ones.
The price of the session does not change depending on the number of tables held.